88 people born in Greece - New South Wales, Australia, Registers of Coroners: Inquests, 1821-1936

Ancestry.com has a database online that is titled - NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, REGISTERS OF CORONERS; INQUESTS, 1821-1936 which includes 88 entries for people who are listed with Greece as their place of birth.  These same records may be available free of charge through the STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY OF NSW.

Don't forget - most of you can access these records online at your local public library for FREE.  Read more on one of my previous posts "Something New To Try When Using Ancestry.com in the Library for FREE"

This database contains registers of coroners’ inquests for New South Wales, Australia, for the years 1821–1937. Coroners were responsible for inquiring into any unnatural or sudden deaths in their jurisdiction. They also investigated deaths when a body was unidentified, a cause of death was uncertain, or the deceased was in the care of the state. Coroners could investigate fires that caused destruction of property, as well. Magistrates could take depositions about circumstances of death in more remote areas where no coroner was available.

Coroners' registers can contain information similar to that found on a death certificate. Depending on the date and the form used for the inquest, records in this database may include the following:
  • name of deceased
  • age
  • birthplace
  • estimated date and place of death
  • date and location of Inquest
  • verdict of inquest (probably cause of death)
  • name of the coroner or magistrate
  • name of doctor
  • occupation of deceased
  • personal property belonging to deceased
Earlier registers will show district, before whom the inquest was held, when and where held, date received, name of deceased, finding and the date of the death certificate. The later registers also record age of deceased, locality of birth, locality of death, and cash or property owned at the time of death.
