83 Men Born in Greece - North Dakota Military Men, 1917-1918

Ancestry.com has a database named NORTH DAKOTA MILITARY MEN, 1917-1918 that includes 83 men who have listed Greece as their place of birth.

For those of you who do not have access to Ancestry.com at home, it is available in most public libraries for free.


Although limited in its participation, the United States entered World War One in 1917 and sent hundreds of thousands of "Doughboys" to Europe. This database is a collection of military records for men who served in the war from North Dakota. Originally compiled in 1931, it provides the names for men who served in the army, navy, and marines. In addition to providing the individual's name, it reveals city of residence, unit of service, birth date or age, and other helpful facts. It also contains the location and date of enlistment and discharge information. The names of over 32,000 men are included in the collection.
